When this contact center veteran of 20 years left a business process outsourcing firm to go in-house as Operations Director with a tech giant, he knew one thing: he did not want to use a legacy language test to assess his candidates. It never produced trustworthy results for him in the past.
This is a story about one HiringBranch customer and their journey to proving a no-interview hiring model.
Problem: language assessments aren't good enough and face-to-face interviews take time away from hiring managers
This company received 300 contact center job applications a week. They had 15 call center hiring managers conducting non-stop, face-to-face interviews to decide (subjectively) which candidates to train and hire. This went on for one year under the new Operations Director… until he found HiringBranch.
Solution: assess more than language in a streamlined test
Impressed with the HiringBranch assessment, the Operations Director had his team of 15 managers try it too. After meeting internally to discuss the assessment experience, here's what the Director had to say:
“We immediately saw value in its comprehension capabilities. HiringBranch doesn’t just assess for language proficiency, they evaluate a candidate’s ability to understand instructions and whether they can do a job well”.
The team agreed to pilot HiringBranch on a batch of candidates.
Interviews become useless, but recruiters are wary
After piloting HiringBranch, the results were so impressive that hiring managers deemed interviews useless. The managers felt that candidates who pass HiringBranch where ‘hire worthy’.
While the hiring managers were excited at the prospect of not having to interview, recruiters worried that HiringBranch’s pass threshold was too strict and would decrease the volume of candidate throughput. The operations and recruitment teams were now at odds.
Operations finds a way to prove ROI and appease wary recruiters
Both recruiters and operations agreed on a test to determine which model satisfied both groups and proved to be the most economical. After a candidate passed the recruiter screening, they would take the HiringBranch assessment and if that candidate scored:
1 . a high pass, they went straight to job offer
2. a low pass, they went straight to job offer
3. a fail - they went to an operational interview (with the call center hiring manager)
After 45 days, the test revealed that the percentage of fails who passed an operational interview and were hired was too small to be worth interviewing all the candidates. Plus, the quality of passes was at a level they’d never seen before.
“I attribute much of HiringBranch’s success to the comprehension capability and the “realness” of the test. It is a tailored fit mock of our job and it sets up for expectations for the job. Our whole leadership team has confidence in our hiring, thanks to HiringBranch.”