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With HiringBranch you'll be able to:
  • Cut interviews by >90%
  • Reduce bad hire rate to <1%
  • Be more confident than ever in your hires
  • Reduce time to hire by > 90% 
  • Standardize hiring
  • Hire without bias, forevermore
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HiringBranch gives us confidence that a candidate can actually do the job. It’s a robust process that works.
Online retail, Fortune 500
With HiringBranch, we now have an 90% no-interview model. It saved my life! It’s reduced manpower and budget. I now have the gift of time.
Sarah Wise, Fundraising Direct

Download our exclusive 2023 performance report

Forget moving one pre-hire metric, this is never-seen-before data on what the HiringBranch assessment is capable of AFTER THE HIRE.