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Forget moving one pre-hire metric, this is never-seen-before data on what the HiringBranch assessment is capable of AFTER THE HIRE.
Case Study

A Fortune 50 standardizes hiring globally and gets a 300% ROI


A global online retailer employs 1000s of customer support associates. The associates operate in a dozen languages via voice and email from over 20 different sites around the world. Creating a global standard and improving performance is of utmost importance


With a diverse array of sites, both in-house and outsourced, all using different testing methods - the ability levels of hired candidates varied greatly resulting in inconsistent performance. In addition, the standardized language test used at most sites passed too many unqualified candidates. There was no data to correlate communication skill ability with job performance.


HiringBranch’s consistent, unbiased, soft skill assessment

HiringBranch designed a communication assessment for the company, customized for the role required. During the benchmarking period, the assessment results from 5EMEA sites were compared to key performance indicators. Not all candidates are tested in this hiring process. Candidates who self-declared as native speakers (in a non English language), were hired after an interview and did not go through HiringBranch testing.


HiringBranch’s assessment accurately selects the top performers

At the end of the benchmarking period, the data was in: 260 non-HiringBranch hires (those candidates who did not receive the HiringBranch assessment) had a bad hire rate of 1.2%, whereas the 930 HiringBranch hires (those candidates who did receive the HiringBranch assessment) had an impressive bad hire rate of only .01%.

With this proof in hand, this Fortune 50 customer was ready to pass every candidate in 5 sites through HiringBranch’s assessment pre-hire and send offers to only the best.


Drastic ROI, consistent results and a global standard

The company saw significant cost reductions across the board saving 8,000 USD per poor hire not hired, cutting 50% of hiring time for recruiters and finally increasing speed to proficiency of hires by 1 day because candidates are familiar with the role when they start Day 1 training.

“HiringBranch is accurate, challenging and relevant. It instills confidence in our processes as we move towards a no interview model.

”Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition

This Fortune 50 now achieves a consistent >99% accuracy rate on good hires. What's more, they now have one standardized unified process to evaluate high-level (CEFRC1) communication skills, in 12 languages, globally and are expanding this process to all regions.The result: a 300% return on their HiringBranch investment.As this customer expands HiringBranch to more verticals and geographies globally, they are moving towards a 'no interview' model saving further costs.

About HiringBranch

HiringBranch is an AI-powered hiring assessment driving down costs and improving performance for hiring teams around the world. HiringBranch evaluates not only what candidates say, but how they say it. Quick, accurate and authentic, it’s a soft skills and language assessment in-one-go. Serving hiring teams in retail, sales, health and IT of sizes 100 to 10000+, you too can hire confidently and effortlessly.

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Skills-based hiring performance report: AI edition

Skills-based hiring is on the rise. But how much does it improve performance? The results are in: skills-based hiring works. Find out just how much in this no-fluff, data-packed report on skills-hiring case studies from 100,000+ employee companies.
Data from over 5000 skills-hired candidates in 16 countries
5 proprietary research studies
Metric analysis on high vs low skilled hires, attrition, and more
Expert input from AI scientists and leading HR influencers

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An exclusive look inside high-volume hiring outcomes

Employers don’t know conclusively whether the technologies they’re investing in actually lead to better hires… until now.
HR technology vendors… claim to measure soft skills, but few validate job performance.
- Jon Sumser, HR Examiner
Get it here

What’s inside?

Learn what AI and skill-based hiring is capable of. Employers and contact centres can benchmark their performance, get cues for optimization strategies, implementation and more. Inside, we prove that:
Top skilled candidates become top performers
Assessing language alone doesn’t improve performance
Highly skilled candidates attrit less
Hiring for skills improves bad hire rates
Download report

The experts weigh in on HiringBranch’s performance report

The risk of using AI will be quickly outweighed by the benefits. Technologies that can show strong predictive results will be the game changers in moving hiring practices to the next level.
Howard Flint
WorkTech Advisory
The ability of technology to supercharge skills-based hiring by aligning it to performance and retention is one of the most significant developments we've seen in hiring for decades.
Matt Alder
The Future of Recruiting Podcast